
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

This is How Israel Interrogate

The Israeli Chanel 2 made a report about the methods used by the Israeli inelegance during Shaikh Mustafa Drini interrogation, the leaked video is mainly in Arabic as the Interrogator spoked it with their victim, but the report itself is in Hebrew. I think you will get the idea. A man with no clothes but a jacket"sometimes" and 3 men threatening to rape him.

In a part of the video you can hear the interrogators threatening him in shoving a stick up in his rectum and taking a picture of him with stick in his ass. Shaikh Mustafa Dirini, talked in an interview following his release in the prisoner swap with Hizbuallah in 2004 about how the interrogators actually did shove a stick in his ass, also a couple of M14 assault rifles bullets as well.
He didn't leave the Israeli prison without filing a complains against his rapist.

The video:

Photo grapes from the video:

after watching this video, I could think of nothing but, Long live the resistance the only way to shove death into those Nazi hearts and minds.

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